07 October, 2009

Rarely a Dull Moment

I've learned from living with the same seven FAMU kids for the last month or so that there is rarely a dull moment. And the last few nights have been no exception to this rule. Even on nights that are work nights or hang out nights, the possibility of something interesting happening is extremely high...and that is what I love about this group of friends.

When we last left the FAMU kids, we were headed out to Club Cross for a night of clubbing and fun. Now, as I wrote earlier I wasn't sure if I was going to stay long. Turns out that that night at Club Cross was an 80s-Calypso Remix night, which meant that I danced the night away with everyone. I even got the opportunity to do some partner dancing...you know the kind where they spin you and it is reminiscent of ballroom. I highly approve. I stayed until 3am...which is highly unusual for me, but it was for the best.

Sunday was a day of relaxation, I lounged and worked on memorizing lines for Acting Studio. I also made a trip to the store, but none of this is really interesting.

Monday rolled around and was full of classes. I got to watch The Apple Game, which starred our acting professor Dasha Blahova. The movie was awesome! I didn't know what I should be expecting, but it was really good and I highly recommend that should you get the chance, you watch it.

After class, I was hanging out with Steph and her friend, Gratia. We were playing a card game that I learned to play on Saturday night with the 32 deck of cards that I bought on Friday by accident and drinking some burcak that they had bought earlier in the day. We had just finished the card game when I decided that I should teach them 1000 blank white cards...even though the blank cards I bought weren't white.

I hadn't gotten that far into teaching the game when everyone else (Shayna, Liza, Drew, Dave and Tarek...even though he lives with us) showed up to play. The game ended up being a whole bunch of fun. At least I had fun. I can't speak for everyone, but it was a blast. We ended up with Liza speaking with a British accent for the game, Dave with a shoe on his head and pretending to be a cat, Drew always speaking into a walkie-talkie along with many other ridiculous rules. I would love to play again at some point. I'm also sorry that I didn't take any pictures of the ridiculousness that went on. It was awesome!

Oh, I also found out that just about all of them have been following this blog. I did not realize that everyone was reading. So, shout outs to all of the CET FAMU kids who read this blog!

Tuesday was another day of fun. It was Kris' birthday and she turned 21. Even though that is not a significant age to turn here in the Czech Republic, it is a very important age to turn in the United States. So, in true American fashion we decided to take Kris out to a bar...a gay, karaoke bar to be exact (Friends was the name). I have never had so much fun! And I know Kris had
to be having a blast. Everyone was buying her drinks and she was dancing and singing karaoke. It was awesome!

As for me, I had an awe
some time and got to sing two songs. I got to be one of the six merry murderesses of the Cook County Jail as we sang a rendition of The Cell Block Tango. Other merry murderesses included Kris, Rebecca, Lisa and one other girl that we met there. Later that night I also sang Meredith Brook's Bitch, which is a karaoke standard for me...mainly because I know the words really well and don't have to read much.

So, as I'm sure you can see. There is never a dull moment when us kids are involved. There is always some kind of fun taking place.

And on that note, I'm going to sign off and continue to work on my current sewing project. I'm making a dress out of a button down shirt for my roommate Steph and then I will be making one for myself. I'm finding that since I'm not really working on a Halloween costume or six this year that I need a crafty project right about now and this is working great. I'm glad I found the pattern posted on my friend Shannon's facebook wall by my other friend Janice.

One more thing though...I think we may be celebrating Halloween as a group though, which will make me one happy person.

"Stay tuned folks, you don't want to move folks. Cause there's more excitement coming!"


  1. Is it wrong if I'm most excited about 1000 Blank White Cards? I think I've built it up into a legendary occurrence in my mind.
    I'll talk to you tomorrow (today for you)!

  2. No, not at all. I got to teach it to everyone and it was pretty awesome. So. Much. Fun. I'll talk to you later.
