26 November, 2009

Film Log Day 6: Happy Thanksgiving!: Part 1

Happy Thanksgiving Turkeys! I know that the last post was Day 2, but this isn't Day 3 of shooting, so I'm going to number them in accordance to the actual day count. Also as a complete side note/story, Kris and I went to Barrandov yesterday to see how our film was developed and I'm rather happy with it. I think it'll look fine once we get it into the editing room and put it together as an actual movie. Also, film is gorgeous quality...so much different than digital and I am lucky that I got the opportunity to shoot on it! But, this is stuff that I'll write more about later...

So, it's Thursday morning...Thanksgiving morning to be exact, which normally means that I would be with my family watching the Macy's Day parade and waiting to indulge in the most food ever seen on one dining room table.

This year, however, I will have a slightly different take on Thanksgiving because I am in Prague. So, here's what's in store. Upon finishing this post, I will proceed to wander over to Steph and Shayna's film set and see what they need help with. I will then amuse myself in someway, while I wait until we have our turkey dinner...on set I believe...and then I will go to my history class, with my very amusing professor. And if Steph and Shayna still need help, I will wander back to their set to finish up the evening.

Not the normal way to spend Thanksgiving, but you know. I did manage to make an apple pie last night though. It looks and smells delicious...let's hope that it tastes the same as I kind of improvised my way through the recipe...

Happy Thanksgiving all! I hope it's a good one for all of you! I'll update about our festivities later. Enjoy your holiday!

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